Helping to Seed the Next Generation
When The Giving List caught up with Kimberly Marteau Emerson in mid-September, she was far from home, but on familiar […more…]
The Ambassador: How Good Works Can Be Done in Public and Private
Actor Tommy Dewey played John Emerson in the 2018 political drama The Front Runner. The film stars Hugh Jackman in […more…]
Island Boy’s Philanthropic Reach Fills the San Fernando Valley
In his childhood, Milton Valera lived near the airport on the Garden Island of Kauai, where at a young age, […more…]
A Career Spent Building L.A.’s Civic Strength
As told to Joe Donnelly Steven Nissen might be the most impactful public servant you’ve never heard of, probably because […more…]
Making Entertainment More Inclusive by Joe Donnelly
Ahmos Hassan is a man bent on melding his philanthropic and business interests towards a more inclusive America. Across both […more…]
Jihee Huh and Her Uniquely American Philanthropic Legacy
Hope is what Jihee Huh started with and hope is what she continues to call on through hard times. Huh, […more…]