End Family Fire: Safe Stories
A Collection of Stories of People Who Came Close to Gun Suicide
Every day in America, 67 parents, siblings, partners and friends die by gun suicide.
These are the stories of several individuals who came close to gun suicide and how safe gun storage can help save lives.
Click here to check out Brady United’s new creative campaign, “Safe Stories.”
This next phase of Brady’s End Family Fire campaign shares the stories of people impacted, or almost impacted, by gun suicide and encourages safe storage.
Brady | United Against Gun Violence
Donate now!www.bradyunited.org
(202) 352-2434
Chief Development and Engagement Officer: Liz Dunning
We’re uniting people from coast to coast, liberal and conservative, young and old, fed up and fired up, to end gun violence.
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I’m proud to support Brady’s groundbreaking Show Gun Safety campaign to be more intentional about how guns are portrayed on screen. We in the creative community must do our part to create a safer America free of gun violence — and that change can start in the characters we create and the stories we tell.
Seatbelts in TV Shows Saved Lives – Let’s Do the Same by Showing Safe Use of Guns
Brady is raising $1,000,000 to fund the national expansion of our Show Gun Safety Culture Change campaign in 2024. Cultural attitudes and behaviors around smoking, drunk driving, and seatbelts have all evolved due in large part to the powerful influence of film and television. We’re taking on gun safety – and need your support to transform Hollywood’s portrayal of guns. 100% of your donation will help us change our gun safety culture and free America from gun violence.
Key Supporters
Judd Apatow
Shonda Rhimes
Adam McKay
Mark Ruffalo
Jimmy Kimmel
Amy Schumer
Glen Mazzara
Piper Perabo
Bradley Whitford